
Irish doctor with too many thoughts, too little time and a blog that's supposed to check in on reality.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I really really need to go to bed now, but I really really want to read the blog “great debate saga” between Richard and Fiona.

So I’m going to do that now.

But before I do a few things I want to mention –

I purchased a new suitcase in Washington to bring home all the books I bought and all the literature I received. I’ve only completed 2 books (of 17!) – “Women Who Made the World Worse” by Kate O’Beirne – it’s an excellent introduction to women like me, who don’t believe in all that feminists do. Check out interview here and an internet roundup on some of those who disagree with her.

I also finished “Night” by Elie Wiesel which is a new translation by his wife Marion. It seems to be the Oprah Book Club version, but unlike James Frey, it’s all too true.  It’s only a little over 100 pages or so, and everyone should read it. I was in Auschwitz in November and reading his chillingly honest account was made more moving by my memories of that silent hell on earth. I had only read the speech he made at the 50th anniversary at the liberation of Auschwitz before I went and this passage hung elusively in my head. “Close your eyes and look: endless nocturnal processions are converging here, and here it is always night. Here heaven and earth are on fire.Close your eyes and listen. Listen to the silent screams of terrified mothers, the prayers of anguished old men and women. Listen to the tears of children, Jewish children, a beautiful little girl among them, with golden hair, whose vulnerable tenderness has never left me. Look and listen as they quietly walk towards dark flames so gigantic that the planet itself seemed in danger.”

His most famous passage from Night is slightly changed from its original – which I should have looked for before I typed it out myself! Old bits in brackets.
"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that ( which has) turned my life into one long night seven times sealed (cursed and seven times sealed)
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the small (little) faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. (turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.)Never shall I forget those flames that (which) consumed my faith forever.Never shall I forget  the nocturnal silence that (which) deprived me for all eternity (of) the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments that (which) murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes (dust).
Never shall I forget those (these) things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself.

I also purchased Rosanne Cash’s new album “Black Cadillac” – have listened to it 3 times already. It’s pretty good. A little patchy but one song stands out for me apart from the title song – “House on the Lake” which is about her life with her famous father, Johnny in their compound in Hendersonville. She sings
But I hear his voice close in my ear
I see her smile and wave
I blink and while my eyes are closed
They both have gone away…………
Blue bedroom, walls and nails
Now there’s nothing left to take
But love and years are not for sale
In our old house on the lake.

An album which I’ve been listening to over the last few weeks is from an alt country  band from Bray – Bray Vista. I’m a bit obsessive about my alt-country, and it’s album that holds its own with any of the other bands in my growing collection. It’s actually quite good – I must go see them live as I’ve been hearing about them for quite a while now. Cluas has a review of the EP which I must get.

On another music related note, despite saying I would not share my Clap your Hands Say Yeah tickets for the gig on Saturday – I might have 1 spare, possibly 2 as friends’ plans are currently in flux. Comment if interested. Not sure yet though!    


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