
Irish doctor with too many thoughts, too little time and a blog that's supposed to check in on reality.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Bye to the Dan

Michelle Malkin on Dan Rather's parting from CBS. Dan Rather would have remained outside my circle of interest if it wasn't for toddyunct and another friend of ours who is literally obsessed with him. This particular friend derived a huge amount of satisfaction and happiness from Dan's downfall - so much so that euphoria is still there months later - he texted at 12.30am : "The Dan is no more. He just signed off for the last time on CBS Evening News, We can all sleep a little easier". While the rest of us slept on as though nothing happened, it is heartening to know that a young man in Drumcondra had dreams filled with sunny meadows and rainbows, safe in the knowledge that the Dan is no more.


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