
Irish doctor with too many thoughts, too little time and a blog that's supposed to check in on reality.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Little Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds??

NHS Blog Doctor has an excellent post on ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and some of its critics.
I'm not altogether comfortable with the widespread medication of young children, who a short time ago, would just have been considered "bold".
As NHS blog doctor says -
Children are bunged on amphetamines after an assessment that I regard as too short, and I am not happy with the follow up they receive. I am now close to the point of refusing to continue prescribing these drugs on their behalf. I am not obliged to. If I prescribe a drug, I share the responsibility for any problems that arise. If I refuse, it will cause inconvenience to the parents and more work for the hospital, but the prescribing only devolved onto GPs as the result of a cynical, budget-dumping exercise which I have described elsewhere.

Dr Crippen does believe that an ADHD syndrome exists and accepts, with some reluctance, that it may occasionally be necessary to prescribe these unpleasant drugs. He thinks that genuine cases are few and far between. He believes that these drugs are grossly and inappropriately over prescribed. He believes that there is a Big Pharma conspiracy not only to promulgate the drugs but to promulgate the condition itself. He believes that the drug companies cannot be trusted to highlight the side effects of these drugs. He believes that thousands of children are now on these behaviour modifying drugs to suit the convenience of society
- and that is a very serious issue for all for us to consider.


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