
Irish doctor with too many thoughts, too little time and a blog that's supposed to check in on reality.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Just some more makeup please Mom!

Sarah Scantlin last spoke 20 years ago before she was involved in a car crash. She had been communicating by blinking yes/no until 3 weeks ago when she regained her voice ---
A week ago, her parents got a call from Jennifer Trammell, a licensed nurse at the Golden Plains Health Care Center. She asked Betsy Scantlin if she was sitting down, told her someone wanted to talk to her and switched the phone to speaker mode:
``Hi, Mom.''
``Sarah, is that you?'' her mother asked.
``Yes,'' came the throaty reply.
``How are you doing?''
``Do you need anything,'' her mother asked her later.
``More makeup.''
``Did she just say more makeup?'' the mother asked the nurse.
Scantlin started talking in mid-January but asked staff members not to tell her parents until Valentine's Day to surprise them, Trammell said. But last week she could not wait any longer to talk to them.

And then there's the story of the little boy was aborted 3 times and then born alive at 24 weeks. He's now a healthy 2 year old.

When there's life there's hope.


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