
Irish doctor with too many thoughts, too little time and a blog that's supposed to check in on reality.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Don't Know Much Biology

and I don't really know much about Venezuelan politics either.
I know that some Irish people are very fond of Hugo Chavez.
I also know that Chavez is ruthless in the suppression of those who dare disagree with him. I have 1 friend in Venezuela - she voted against Chavez and found her name in the paper a few months later. She's having some trouble in her university with regard to academic autonomy and freedom of speech. And she thinks her country is going to the dogs.

Anyway, I was looking up something entirely different and came accross this blog, written by a Venezuelan, describing what he sees as his country's decline - Venezuela News And Views.
It's worth a look.



Blogger EWI said...

And she thinks her country is going to the dogs.

A lot of the noise over Venezuela is being stirred up by US Republicans used to seeing South America as the US' backyard. Look at the relative lack of concern at what ol' Silvio has been up to, for example (and has Bush finally called Prodi to congratulate him...?).

April 24, 2006 1:32 a.m.  

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