
Irish doctor with too many thoughts, too little time and a blog that's supposed to check in on reality.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Irish blogging

There seems to be some discussion over on gavin's blog about the nature of the Irish blogosphere, and the need for a whole range of things, from a central Irish blog resource to the desirability for Irish bloggers to promote each other. Lovely. What's really needed is for one of us to take down a prominent political figure who isn't put under the spotlight by the mainstream media, such as RTE. Hard to see how that might happen in such a small country. But in order for the "Irish blogosphere" to be taken seriously, to paraphrase former Labour leader Rurai Quinn, we need a head. That's what has catapulted blogs into the public consciousness in the US. There, th news monopoly of liberal media has been dented by various bloggers, such as Powerline and Little Green Footballs, who have done genuine reporting rather than simply blow off steam.

It can be quite satisfying to have an online rant, but to make an impact we need reportage as well as opinion. Do any of our bloggers have the time?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say Richard Delevan is coming pretty close to meeting those requirements. He's been doing a great job the past few weeks.

March 09, 2005 12:17 p.m.  

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